All photos present on Shoesplanet are published for the purpose of news coverage and citing styles in the footwear industry. Photos are the property of Shoesplanet, whereas exclusive property rights of authorship and intellectual property of models reproduced here belong to the manufacturer and/or designer, as cited. Any commercial or promotional use of the photos that may imply commercial gain is strictly forbidden, as is any form of reproduction. Low resolution reproductions of photos present on the site are reserved exclusively for style offices or internal storage for educational, research and study in the field of footwear. Any other use is forbidden. Shoesplanet reserves the right to report any violation it becomes aware of to concerned parties in a timely manner.
Shoesplanet is a journalistic magazine registered at the Tribunale di Roma [Rome courts] Print and Information section. Every single publication, including photos, has the exclusive purpose of news coverage and citing styles in the footwear industry by selecting photos, statements, designs and sources that are deemed to contribute to adding new elements to the industry. Should a company or designer advance a written request – regardless of the reason – to remove any of their photos, then our magazine will immediately do so.